Family Medicine

Primary Care Physician at Cope Family Medicine

A primary care physician is typically a Doctor of Medicine or osteopathy who specializes in family medicine, internal medicine, pediatric care, or senior health. Your primary care doctor will assist you with most of your medical needs, including preventative care, concerns about a recent medical problem, or lab testing. The provider can also coordinate with a specialist to take care of any other health problem you may be facing.

At Cope Family Medicine in Bountiful, our primary care physicians can help you with all routine medical care, including:

  • Physical exams & wellness visits

  • Preventative screenings

  • Immunizations

  • Sports/School physicals

  • Blood sugar checks and diabetes management

  • Hypertension screening and management

  • Allergy treatment

  • Wound care

  • X-Ray and lab on-site

  • Physical Therapy on-site

Urgent Care


Emergencies happen—when they do, the team at Cope Family Medicine is here to provide compassionate care for all our patients. Our Bountiful urgent care facility is over 12,000 square feet and features large, welcoming exam rooms. When you visit an urgent care physician, we will notify your primary care physician to help you plan a follow-up appointment.

To learn more or to select a primary care physician in North Salt Lake, Centerville, or surrounding areas, contact us at Cope Family Medicine in Bountiful. You can take comfort in our extended weekend and evening hours.